Friday, September 25, 2009

Bear Lake August 2009

Tyler is making something in the sand like always. He plays
with the kids while I relax. Such a great husband.
One of my Favorite family traditions is we go to Bear Lake
every August.

Mom and Ava

The kids love the beach.

Linda and Isa hiking Paris Spring.

I like this picture. I took it at Paris Spring.

I tried to hike wearing flip flops...I don't recomend it.

Cute!..Mindi and her cousin Isabel

Kara and Ellie look like they are the same size.

She liked dumping the bucket of water on her head.

Sometimes we need no words.

Big waves...the kids had so much fun.


Jennie and corbin playing in the jet ski that Tyler made out of sand.

Ava always sticks out her tounge.

Me and Isa

July 30th Jennie's Birthday

We had a pizza picnic party in the park for Jennie's Birthday
I can't believe she is already 3. Time flies.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zions Trip April 2009

We have a tradition to go to Zionz in the spring. This year it was Me
Mom, Amber, Janelle, Boyd, baby Ava and Delani,
Steve, Ellie, Kara, and baby Mia.

It was a
chilly day.

Amber and
I spent
time alone

This is a hole in the
rock that is in
canyon on the
hike to Angels Landing.
Ellie was being brave...
with a little help.

We waited
for Boyd
while he
went to the
top of Angels
I did not
think it
was safe
to take
up there.

Steve was
up the trail
with Kara.
